JOGASUTRA – Vol V Content plan (25 years of JOGA programs)

  • Bhajans (All Gods and Goddesses)

  • Experience of JOGA programs, bhajan, Holi, Rathajatra, other programs (any number of years in 25 years of existence)

  • The Science and Arts of Jagannath Beliefs, Rituals (Research Articles)

  • Jagannath Around America/World

  • Different Types of Puja in short

  • Quick Bhakti Rituals for the fast paced life

The submission deadline is February 10, 2023. Please submit your articles in electronic form by email.



Editorial Team:


Bigyani Das (

Sikhanda Satapathy (

Brahmapriya Sen (



Articles can be communicated through any of the editorial team members or at






All annual Holi program attendees, contributing authors and JOGA sponsors will receive the copies. To advertise in JOGASUTRA V, please contact the following volunteers:

Naresh C. Das, MD (

Radha Krishna Pattnaik(


(JOGA is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization and hence all the donations are tax deductible.) The flier is available below.



The advertisement rates are as follows:


 Type of Advertisement


Full Page, outside of the back cover (color)


Full Page, inside the back/front cover (color)


Full Page, inside (BW)


Half page, inside (BW)




Submission Guidelines:


1)  Articles should be in English. The facts should be well researched with source citations and if personal opinions have been made on certain interpretations, it should be clearly mentioned.


2)  All articles, must be word-processed in MS WORD and submitted in electronic form.  Articles will be  submitted through e-mail.

3)  Language  and  contents  of  all articles should be clean, and in good taste. If you prepare any article that can give important message about Odisha's religion and Jagannath philosophy, please be respectful to other beliefs and the philosophy that is practiced in other parts of India and in other countries.


4) All the articles will be reviewed. The reviewers and the editors  have  the  sole  authority  to decide if an article can be published.


5)  Please check grammar and spelling before submitting the article.


6)  Please do not number your pages, as the page number will be different in the souvenir.


7)  If you need to include any picture, table or diagram, put those inside the text.  Please do not attach them separately.


8)  Please write a few lines about the author to be put as footnote in the souvenir. You may send the author’s photograph if you want it to be published along with the article.


9)  Please try to limit the size of your articles to approximately 1-2 typed pages for experience of JOGA programs. 3-4 typed pages for research oriented articles.  (Specification for Font and Size, Line Spacing and Page Size: English: Arial 11, single spacing;   Page size: MS-Word's default page size, i.e., 8.5 x 11 inches ).